
Does God Really Care About Our Goals?

Does God Care About Your Goals?


Dreams. Goals. Wishes. Desires.

What comes to mind when you consider these ideas? Something specific? A thought that you have kept pushing back because it seems too crazy? Perhaps you are in the middle of chasing these things and this has simply served as an encouragement to you.

I began Real Life Moms on the hinge of a whim that I could possibly take it somewhere, someday. I wasn’t sure where I was going or how I was going to get there. Like I said, it was a tiny thought in my brain and a spark in my heart.

Real Life Moms evolved into a blog after a generous writer friend offered to help me set it up. Soon, I was able to share my rambling thoughts on an actual platform that allowed me to flex my creative muscles even further. I was no longer trapped in the Facebook box of limitations. Not only that, but my loving husband decided that I was long overdue for equipment that would allow me to take these desires even further- far away from the confines of my tiny smartphone. He gave me a laptop. A MacBook Pro to be precise!


Does He Really Care?

Once I was able to spread my wings, I realized that there was so much more that I could do- and wanted to do.

But, I still felt like a butterfly searching for the right place to land. I was fluttering all over the place smelling, seeking, and trying to find rest for my creative soul.

Then a thought hit me: Does God care about my desires? Is this work for good? Am I wasting my time?


What Does Scripture Say?

Trust in the Lord, and do good;
    dwell in the land and befriend faithfulness.
Delight yourself in the Lord,
    and he will give you the desires of your heart.

Commit your way to the Lord;
trust in him, and he will act. (Psalm 37:3-5)


God knit us perfectly and wholly as only He can do. We are all unique. We all carry with us gifts and talents that, when in tandem with the Gospel, can bring Him glory for His purpose. So our desires soon become His purpose for our lives. Because we love Him, we desire to know him and spread the Good News. Our special traits that He has gifted us are meant to be a blessing- not only for us, but for others!


All these are empowered by one and the same Spirit, who apportions to each one individually as he wills. (1 Corinthians 12:11)


We are certainly not stagnant creatures. We have personalities that others sometimes wish to oppress if they consider God an All Mighty God in the sky seeking to crush those that step out of line. This type of thinking is based around fear- a fire and brimstone theology that does nothing but confuse, pervert, and diminish the grace of God.

Knowing the truth of God’s word is of upmost importance. This way, we can fully understand who He is. We can seek His kingdom first in our lives (Matthew 6:33), and test what His will is for our lives. The more we know Him, the more we realize that we were created to bring Him glory through who He created US to be.


What Is Your Goal Or Dream Or Desire?

So, what it is?

From what I have learned about how God made me, I understand that my circumstances can intertwine with what He is calling me to do.

I am a caregiver, a mother, a wife, a homemaker, and a homeschooler. These special roles will help direct my attention to where He is working in my life.

Our margins in life (or lack thereof) can give us an idea of how we can reach others in His name. If we find ourselves with extra energy, time, and money, then think about how God is calling you to become a good steward of these things. If you find yourself lacking in these areas, perhaps He is calling you into a deeper trust of who He says He is. Provider? Counselor? Friend? Mediator? Healer? All of these names can become personal to you as you grow in your relationship with Him- based on your story.

The desires of my heart were God breathed. When I seek to know more about Him, those desires will soon overlap and become His desires-because I’m seeking His face in the matter.


So, set that goal and make that dream a reality.

Bring glory to God in all things and seek His face, always.

Trust and GO!

